

Customized product use

Customized product use

Go to the home page and click on the customized product, the addition sequence has DNA and optimization, 2 kinds of amino acid selection. Please add the sequence name first, and then you enter a special character, allow only the letter composition specified in parentheses, the input of other letters will automatically prompt the color. Before the next step, special characters must be filled in the frame. Otherwise, it will be prompted by the frame of Figure 3. If you enter other characters that do not match, it will prompt the background to change color. As shown in Figure 3.0.1.

Figure 3.0Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites

Sequence of successful import information displays (automatically distinguish units).

Figure 3.0.1 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.

A vector must be selected. There is a default, and category selection can also be categorization search.

Figure 3.1 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.

Please choose the type and web site, click Species: click the drop-down box to select the host of the protein factory or enter the name of a species.

Figure 3.2 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.

Select Species: click on the drop-down box to select the host of the protein factory or enter the name of a species.

Figure 3.3 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.

You can edit the website by clicking Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.

Please enter a comma - separated site to add.

Figure 3.5 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.

Figure 3.6 select the synthetic speed, the standard, the priority, the urgent need, select the output, click Back to Edit will be re edited, click Add to Cart will automatically calculate the price to join the shopping cart.

Figure 3.6 Proteinfactory custom page for shopping sites.